Why I’m reconsidering Electric Vehicles.

As I was bullish on Electric Vehicles now I’m no longer interested.

Why I am reconsidering EV’s,  The Truth about EV’s and, Why I’m more skeptical EV’s.  Why I’m choosing Gas-power cars over Electric.

Tesla Model 3 catches on fire in towson, Baltimore
Tesla Model 3 catches on fire in towson, Baltimore

The reasoning I’m considering Gas-power vehicles is because of the affordably;  when it comes to updating your car tag each year,  it doesn’t cost so much compared to electric vehicles.  According to a roommate had the vehicle for almost two years his impacted by the crash.  It cost a lot more to own an EV than gas cars.


Repairs on a vehicle

Anyone can get into an accident,  that can happen with anyone!  Recently,  from my roommates experience.  Once your EV A.K.A Electric Vehicle gets impacted,  Tesla automatically shuts off the vehicle due to safety reason.   Even dough the whole body of the car isn’t damaged.  The expanse can turn your checking account into the negatives just for repairs itself.  Most mechanics doesn’t have the experience EV’s most mechanics have worked with gas powered cars.  If you try going to a local mechanic around the corner.  They won’t deal with it,  You have to go through a specialized Tesla Service Center.  I know that’s not very many.

Possible EV’s Battery Errors

Let’s say If I am out on the road for some reason that I am driving point A to B around town for errands or whatever it maybe;

Let’s say one day battery comes up with failure then the smoke appears in your car. The saying goes like this “When there’s smoke, there’s fire” That’s one reason if I get into a situation where I can’t get out of my vehicle due to errors like this!  I wouldn’t purchase one!

This video of an EV that have happened 3 months back

EV Hacking,  Its a thing!

This is a big kicker!  While I had hacking was a thing I know my roommate that has the Tesla always thought that Tesla’s was always because of the Regular OTA UPDATES!  Now how true is that? 

According to Electrek article I read early last week.

Software-locked features that need to be activated by the owner paying or subscribing to a service are becoming increasingly popular in the auto industry.

Tesla has been on board that trend very early since it produced virtually all its vehicles with the same hardware and owners can unlock features later through software updates.

This includes features like heated seats, acceleration boost, and even Tesla’s Full Self-Driving package, which costs $15,000.

It creates a market for people trying to get around the software lock.

Why as I, a consumer would want to go for an EV that can be possible a hacked by a malicious people knowing that they can go around Tesla’s software,  just because you can patch in many software updates,  doesn’t mean that future patch will become a permanent solution now till then. (Would surprise me if we’ll have interior privacy issue between driver and passengers.

The EV lie!

As much research I’ve done with both gas-power vs. electric-powered vehicle.  Truth of the matter,  The pro-EVers wants you to think this will save the planet when in truth;  That does not solve climate change at all!

I recommend doing your own research before purchasing electric vehicles; don’t take it from me.  If you want an EV that’s up to you,  I believe we should have choices,  I am not anti-EV myself,  I personally don’t believe in banning fossil fuel cars when the majority can’t afford EV’s

The more research you do the better for your purchasing decisions for all my readers please inform yourself on many EV’s vs petrol argument factor.

I have to agree with TheCarGuys.TV channel siding on his arguments.  The way we are going with the rise of EV’s and people purchasing in on without research that’s what I find most scary and continuing on buying into the lies.

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