Ep.163 War on the OSes, Facebook Collab w Big Gov

On Today's show, I'll go over the comparison between Windows and macOS, how the two OSes stack against each. 2nd story I about Facebook's collaboration with the big government. Check out the YouTube alternative Odysee Channel! https://odysee.com/@leonlagrey:0 Anyone that's looking for piracy and security is a great tool to secure your data on the go, don't … Read more

Ep. 152 India's Ongoing Ban On Cryptocurrencies!

Article Sources: https://inc42.com/buzz/cryptocurrency-this-week-crypto-ban-will-mar-blockchain-innovation/ My article written about Privacy Coins, https://leonlagreyentry.blog/governments-round-up-on-crypto-currency-bans-not-privacy-coins/ Here are the affiliate links below Scooch Case https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1690149&u=2775423&m=104692&urllink=&afftrack=0 Zenni.com Anti-Blue Light Glasses Wherever you are gaming or, long hours at works you'll thank yourself for protecting yourself from harmful blue lights from computer screens. https://bit.ly/2HzdByg Brave Browser: https://brave.com/?ref=leo610 Podbean: https://www.podbean.com/leonlagrey Blubrry: https://create.blubrry.com/resources/podcast-media-hosting/?code=LLGPOD Humble Bundle: … Read more

Ep. 167 Would I Drive a Tesla?

In today's belated podcast Leon La Grey Podcast I'll be discussing 3 things, My time working on my friend's computer I left behind for over a year of delay due to computer and chip part shortages. Second I go over Apple's WWDC and lastly I go over Tesla talks why later down the road I … Read more

Ep. 154 Pirate Chain, A Privacy Coin That's Taking Bitcoin Spotlight

Today I go over Pirate Chain A privacy coin that has skyrocketed while the other coins have had a huge plummet last week. How well is Pirate Chain and how fully decentralized this coin is compared to other private coins like Monero. Article Sources: https://leonlagreyentry.blog/pirate-chain-arrr-crypto-smooth-sailing/ https://pirate.black/ Here are the affiliate links below Scooch Case Zenni.com … Read more

Ep. 165. Australia is done for!

Hey Everyone sorry for the introduction, post-editing issues lol. Today's Episode is about Australia's Lost of Privacy and Freedoms, It's now safe for me to say that Australia is truly looking like a 1st world hell-hole. Which is rule by tyrant scam-bags that have no respect for individual rights. Articles in today's show! Australian Chief … Read more

Ep. 167 Would I Drive a Tesla?

In today's belated podcast Leon La Grey Podcast I'll be discussing 3 things, My time working on my friend's computer I left behind for over a year of delay due to computer and chip part shortages. Second I go over Apple's WWDC and lastly I go over Tesla talks why later down the road I … Read more

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