Hunger Games (Novel) (comparison with the movie)

Just in comparison with the movie, I think or more or less, I prefer the book better than the movie itself because of the detail Suzanne Collins put in this book and unlike the movie there was things that they did not add movie which I notice a couple of things here and there, The book is more preferable to me.  The story is about girl name Katniss that lives in the slums with her family in poverty in this campground sort en  Like the movie itself way it you see it visually from the movie will be self described from book.  I do remember one thing is that there was some side story that you’ll never see from the main plot of the film.  But for that side its still worth a watch but you know your never going to get the same experiences with the book itself.  But the way felted I know they weren’t add about an hour in film just fr anyone to watch it…otherwise you’ll be to long for anyone to watch the film.  The directors would have to make an extended edition in a way to completely see the whole film,  But that would take along time to get it done from what I understand. I know that the Hunger Games is not in the theaters anymore, if you want read the book first before seeing.  I know I did. 

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