Introduction: Who am I?

Hello everyone!

My name is Leon La Grey, or just Leon for short.

A digital nomad and I’m all over the internet. I’m a blogger, Twitch streamer that plays on the weekends, and to better describe myself I’m a content creator. This is my first blog entry here on Leon La Grey Entry but not my first WordPress creation. This is my reset blog.

Starting afresh is what I want to do, so this is it!

Why did I created this blog?

The reason for working on a blog is to get my brand out there as a premiere content creator. I figure I can first share a bit about myself. Then expand to a video platform on YouTube or DailyMotion.

I’ve always been a writer, so having a blog platform is a fantastic tool. This way I can continue to do the writing that I love plus keep my readers entertained on a weekly basis.

What’s my blog all about you may ask?

I write about tech & help issues. Twitch streams. Podcasting. And self- improvement for everyday life. If you have asks on tech help, please feel free to post them in the comments below.

My focus will be on frequent blogging about hot topics, tech subjects and world events like what’s going with the pandemic crisis. Sharing my stories and engaging with everyone else who is going through these tough times is what I’m about.

This is my story. My experience with everyday survival.

How often do I write?

I update my blog once or twice a week.

I welcome everyone here especially those who are reading my blog for the first time. Many of you no doubt are like me right now, in isolation mode with the progressing corona-virus pandemic. What’s your story? Please share in comments, I’m all ears.

In addition to urgent topics like the virus, I’ll have enough downtime to write and entertain everyone with my other varied experiences and tech advice!

Peace – enjoy – stay safe and have yourself a great Friday!

-Leon La Grey

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