Ep. 110 New podcast Segment – Computer History

Here’s a short simple episode on what’s to come over the next coming days ahead with new historical content I wanted to do for my podcast.

I hope you guys are having a great day and stay inside my listeners.


If you have any questions drop me an email: leonlagrey@protonmail.com 

if your email gets picked I’ll be reading your email towards the end of the show and answer all your tech questions or anything you want to me discuss on the next episode. I’ll be sure to do that.


If anyone is planning to do podcasting, now’s a great time check up my Podbean Affiliate Link:

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Anyone that’s looking for piracy and security is a great tool to secure your data on the go,  don’t go anywhere without both.








Social media and websites


Twitter: http://bit.ly/36PjAFI

Player.Me: http://bit.ly/2tibyHy

Snap: http://bit.ly/3aWw6Xf

Minds: http://bit.ly/36GSdO0

Mastodon: http://bit.ly/2uYvK1x

Instagram: http://bit.ly/2u1MtBg

VK: http://bit.ly/31fOl5m

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/leonlagrey


Official Website: www.leonlagreyentry.blog

Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=leonlagrey

Pledge me on ko-fi.com/leonlagrey or  One time tip @ paypal.me/LLahens 



GoldSilver Affiliate Link https://goldsilver.com/?aff=LL


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