Apples Innovative Magic Is Now Lost

October 13, 2020 Apple Event,

I have stated it before and I’ll say it again.  Apple knows how to make great products but only know how to copy old products from the past.  Which makes Apple very un-innovative of today.  A two-trillion dollar company that was the once the forward thinking of the past that did great products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad during the 2000’s since Steve Job’s return to Apple back in 1997 through time in Apple all the way through his death in Oct 2011.

The lackluster event comes to show the laziness aspects of iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro which only features on Verizon’s network for the meantime.  Not available through ATT nor T-Mobile. (As of yet)

Apple’s HomePod released on Oct 13th Presentation

First on Apples Presentation was its Home-Pod, which its Apple’s second attempt to market it out for the home users, feature to let users send messages between Home-Pods around the home.

Which is very similar to Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Home Mini.  Now in this second attempt of releasing the second generation Home-Pod, In hopes that it’ll succeeded and people will jump on this release for the home consumers, when in fact it is already behind between both  Google and Amazon’s home assistant devices.

I expect more coming out from a legendary company way more,  I expect they should had made a turn around over this years WWDC, presentation and special effects  which I give the Apple Team credit the virtual was different not in anyway special.

As someone that have grown up watching Steve Jobs in live WWDC around the mid-2000’s I definitely miss in person presentation around the Jobs era.  Which this years is not what it use to be.

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