Clubhouse, Madhouse In Audio App, Why I Dislike It!

The experience of using Clubhouse alright from the start, I was told about clubhouse from a Twitch Partner. She mentioned live on her channel. I had purchased an iPhone SE 2020 to use the Clubhouse App. Why the Clubhouse Madhouse In Audio app has now just turned into mud slinging debacle. how I view clubhouse after six months later (At the time, the Clubhouse Team didn’t released the Android app till months later).

The flaws

As someone that was hopeful for Clubhouse from the beginning, I do think talking directly through audio has tons of authenticity over texting to somewhat a benefit. The problem with Clubhouse and depending on what channel you go to, It can stir so much drama depending on the subject matter. The debate is tough to listen though; I had to exit right away. Just because it was going south real fast. For example, if you’re in a Clubhouse room, let’s just say if you try work your way into a conversion, whether it be topics like politics, Religion or whatever toxicity of choice you’re into.The worst one I found myself on was the relationship debate, Which in fact! THIS WAS NO DEBATE! This was a Jerry Springer like reality I got myself and left outta there in no time! what I find out even worst was the corna-virus discussion which in no time turn into a shit show. You couldn’t get anyone else in the middle. If Clubhouse was the next reality show…. THIS IS IT! The Clubhouse Reality Shit Show!

The Clubhouse Madhouse in audio app may work as great idea from the start. The many flaws I see in Clubhouse, if you sign up you have to enter in your phone number. Your Phone number can go out has a privacy issue because I do never like to connect my phone number over via any app I download. EVER!

The Solution

If Clubhouse had given choice for users to have a email login instead or simply create a username, could they have done that which would had be a better situation The fact that the Clubhouse chose this option which was a terribly a bad idea to link your account via your phone number, which my perspective. Not a great way at all, neither is your privacy.

Where is the popular so far with Clubhouse, Madhouse In Audio App so far?

The popular is still hanging in the vines. Clubhouse may claim that they are “for privacy” One of the things I can disagree with iGeekBlog’s review is anyone can record your clubhouse outside with an external recording device such as a digital recorder other than a smartphone or anything as a analog like a tape recorder can do the job and digitalized it via an mp3 form. Simple! Its not privacy focus!

The popular of still get some attraction to many of the younger and older demographics, tis, however the app may end up going into decline over another competitor. Say Twitter Space If for somehow, some way that it continues off with a strong userbase.

Thanks for reading this week December’s Leon La Grey Entry, Peace!


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