First Hand Windows 11 Review

After upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11,  The wait is over!  There are so many changes that I’ve seen in Windows which has come a long way from many improvements coming from Windows 10,

As always from this blog,  I like to start with what makes the new Microsoft Windows 11 great!  Why this Operating System.  It may be worth upgrading from Win 10 to Win 11

Windows 11 OS


For what I like about Windows 11’s UI is its radically modernized experience, by the time you’ve finished installing,  it feels so much like a different OS coming from a Macintosh’s UI. the slick modern design makes it a much cleaner and smoother experience over Microsoft’s Window’s 10.   The start menu layout is very fresh and I like the fact that it doesn’t take half the screen.  By the time you’ve updated to win 11 OS,  this will end being a smooth transition within a week after going under the hood through the system settings.

I’d like the fact that everything is very easy and smooth to navigate Windows menus.

On the other hand, I like you can run Android applications through Windows 11  If you are a Content Creator using Win 11 for posting content, photos, and videos Windows 11 caters to.  If you are a gamer Windows 11 off the bat has strong video gaming updates.


  • Requires the most recent CPU
  • Some interface changes like the new Start menu and Taskbar take getting used to
  • Does not support x86 systems chip systems.

 While this new OS provides a whole new layout and graphical interface. Win 11 is still a work in process which means Microsoft is still providing software updates to provide stable updates on its current OS, not everything is 100% perfectly stable. One thing to note Win 11 comes with a Feedback hub; if you’ve experienced issues. Microsoft is always listening for new improvements. *Source*

Bottom Line

Windows 11 hand down a great system; over time Microsoft will fix many issues in beta currently.  However, if you are using an older machine that’s using an old CPU more than 5 years old, upgrading to Windows 11 will not be possible so if you are using Windows 10 you are better off sticking with it till you upgrade your CPU!

Thanks for checking this review, be sure to subscribe to LLG Entry for more technology news and reviews!

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