Microsoft Latest Windows 11 patch

Microsoft’s latest Windows 11 patch, for anyone online accounts after you’re done building your first computer.

This PC can't run Windows 11.
Windows 11 Setup

Looks like we’ve got some more bad news!

Microsoft’s latest patch for Windows 11 is forcing users to have a Microsoft account during the Windows 11 installation process.

The one motive,  Microsoft motive is coming for….Not for the user experience.  But to detail all your information.  What I wrote on last year, Microsoft is not for the user experience!

Microsoft’s Latest move, you’ll need an account to install Windows onto a PC you custom-made PC you made for yourself.  A couple of months ago I wrote about how to bypass Windows 11 internet login by Jay 2 Cent.

Microsoft has stepped up with patching Windows 11 to make things difficult for anyone bypassing the internet steps.

While I can say that the new steps of Windows 11 internet bypass are a saving grace for the meantime.   I do see down the road that Microsoft will only go to make things difficult.  The latest patch moving forward if my crystal ball serves me right,  Microsoft will go about not having to go through the task manager,  Command Lines,  we tech gurus know how to get around.  Will no longer be able to bypass.

Why Microsoft Windows?!

Many of us,  We still have to depend on Windows every day,  since it is the majority operating system for everyday fine folks,  while I disagree with what’s been going on with the Realms of Microsoft.  All of us still need to use it in the IT world.

What Jay 2 Cent has mentioned in the video is great,  I’ve been a subscriber for many years on his channel.

  • CTRL + ALT + DEL, click Task Manager
  • find “Search”
  • right-click and End Task

Tips:  I have up there one way to bypass the Microsoft account connection.  Follow Jay 2 Cent’s video.  By going through the Task Manager you’ll able to bypass account connection.

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