Ep. 115 Twitter now allowing employees to Work From Home, Intel’s AI Start up investments & more.

On today’s episode I’ll be discussing about the Twitters WFH that the company has implemented in their company.

Second segment I’ll be going through top popular Top Streaming services that’s been ranking really well.


For anyone looking for a affordable Audio Interface 

Go check out the Tascam US-32 MiniStudio Personal  this model is disconnected however you can still download the drivers and studio software from Teac Website,  Great software to use and highy recommend it, will be posting a video at some point later this week.


Intel’s invest 132 million in 11 Startup companies stories.








Anyone that’s looking for piracy and security is a great tool to secure your data on the go,  don’t go anywhere without both.








Social media and websites


Twitter: http://bit.ly/36PjAFI

Player.Me: http://bit.ly/2tibyHy

Snap: http://bit.ly/3aWw6Xf

Minds: http://bit.ly/36GSdO0

Mastodon: http://bit.ly/2uYvK1x

Instagram: http://bit.ly/2u1MtBg

VK: http://bit.ly/31fOl5m

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/leonlagrey

Official Website: www.leonlagreyentry.blog


Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=leonlagrey


Pledge me on ko-fi.com/leonlagrey or  One time tip @ paypal.me/LLahens




GoldSilver Affiliate Link https://goldsilver.com/?aff=LL


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