European Law for Battery Replacement, A right to repair law

Early this year, The European Parliament has passed a new law which will take a affect around 2027 to reduce e-waste and giving users the right to repair a “european-law-for-battery-replacement” Which give EU consumers to repair their own device,… IT MAKES SENSE!

A person repairing a smartphone on a desk.

New EU regulatory framework for batteries: Setting sustainability requirements

If you read over the briefing, which explains in the following,

Given the important role they play in the roll-out of zero-emission mobility and the storage of
intermittent renewable energy, batteries are a crucial element in the EU’s transition to a climate
neutral economy. On 10 December 2020,the European Commission presented a proposal designed
to modernise the EU’s regulatory framework for batteries in order to secure the sustainability and
competitiveness of battery value chains. The proposal seeks to introduce mandatory requirements
on sustainability (such as carbon footprint rules, minimum recycled content, performance and
durability criteria), safety and labelling for the marketing and putting into service of batteries, and
requirements for end-of-life management. It also includes due diligence obligations for economic
operators as regards the sourcing of raw materials.

Which at this point it makes sense!

While the phones do last a long time; the batteries does not!  I am for this 100% I had repaired phones for consumers in the past.

Give the consumers the right to repair their own devices or, give have manufacturers to make the process of replacing the batteries easier.

I someone that have fix computers, laptops, and mobile devices.  Repairing your own device isn’t as bad,… somewhat “depending on the device”  Every devices are made differently!  If you haven’t fix electronics before I would start somewhere over on IFixIt used this site a couple of times in the past.

Replaceable batteries comeback?

During the Pre-Smartphone Era,  I remember I had issues encountered with flip-phone batteries,  which for all of us,  it is just very easy to detached the bad battery and, intact the new battery.  For I would like to see a “european-law-for-battery-replacement” a U.S. version to take place at some point.  (Who knows when that’ll come).

The EU battery directive will make it easier to replace batteries - Right  to Repair Europe

Back in the day

If I had an issue with my phone, I know my phone isn’t powering on,  seeing through the diagnosis I can tell the culprit behind it is a faulty battery.  Today’s day and age,  Its hard to replace the battery unless you have the tools behind it.  Which many do not have the skills and tools to replaces the battery’s that was glued inside your phone.  Having replaceable would be a great idea with less headaches taking rid of the glue by the manufacturer.  After many experience with electronics,  How I put it is this; if you paid off your phone, then you have the right do what ever you with your devices.  Which shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do.

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Toyota’s Hydrogen Model Direction

The focus on EV’s is on everyone’s mind. Toyota’s direction; Hydrogen Fuel Cell Model. Is this a good idea?   You have countries that’s looking to faze-out ICE a.k.a Internal Combustion Engines ban them around 2035.  Out of all car manufacturers, Toyota’s direction is different!  The Hydrogen fuel is a different concept what most manufacturers … Read more

Fast Sweet Decline of Twitch, Kick Streaming In The Rise!

Twitch you were great when I first joined in, now it is time to move on!  Why KICK has a future

Its bad enough when a streaming platform like Twitch intends to screw up so many times that you know its not even funny!  The fast sweet decline of Twitch, will only get worst over time.

Kick with green up arrow sign with Twitch with a red down arrow sign.

First off  I’ve enjoyed Twitch for many years since I joined the platform since 2014.  That’s right, 2014!!!  its been that long!

A long time ago there was a time that Twitch wasn’t use to be this bad.  For some reason it could be that new staff and new management from the top that changed Twitch for the worst over time or, the Amazon buy out have change  Things have shifted pretty quickly or,  fact they’ve gone through Terrible changes with the TOS and bad announcements.  Even the Twitch CEO Dan Clancy said and admitted they’ve fucked up.  That’s why I’m coming back as a content creator as a viewer yes.

I’ve always enjoyed the glory days of Twitch,  Today, its not the same experience from many years back what I remember!

After all the things

Kick-Streaming Tweeted back in February Kick Streaming has over a million followers which took them back in 69 Days!  Very impressive coming from a website that started about a year ago,  I started signing up with Kick around mid-June.  I am not disappointed with the move.  I do think I’ll grow on people over time,  just like any website you’ll eventually get use to the UI and settings on Kick Streaming.

Netflix – 3.5 years
Facebook – 10 months
Spotify – 5 months
Kick – 69 Days 😏

— (@KickStreaming) February 16, 2023

Twitch Vs. Kick Streaming

To compare,  I wanted to start with the UI!

  • UI

Kick is very simplistic to navigate the website and easy to go around.  While Twitch is very constructive and build well.  Its convolve which makes the experience not fun get around.

  • Mobile App
    Let’s get right to Mobile UX,  I’ll give Twitch props on easy mobility it is constructed well over the years.  Kick hasn’t been around long enough and not matured enough.  Kick is miss Airplay, Casting for anyone that wants to cast a stream on TV’s or Consoles; twitch has all the features that comes in the app.
  • Video Player

Not a lot I can go through the video player, I do like the video player on Twitch.  Kick will need a lot of work.  I’m sure by next year.  Things will improve over time since Kick is still fresh to everyone’s mind.  The player does have Clip features, just what you expect from Twitch’s player too.

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Why I’m reconsidering Electric Vehicles.

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